Thursday, February 23, 2012
I'm missing you!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
WIW {to dinner}
Friday, December 16, 2011
In an instant

It's starting again.....
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Instincts & Mother Nature
As most of you know, my cat Fifi has recently had 5 kittens. If you know anything else about me, than you know how much I love cats. I have grown up having cats and have always had a cat throughout my married life. I would have 10 cats if Hubs let me!
Hubs on the other hand isn't so keen on cats but tolerates them for me. Hubs jokes that I will be that old lady in the supermarket with nothing else in my trolley but canned cat food!. HA!
Fifi getting pregnant was an accident. I never wanted to have kittens. Having kittens meant additional work for me and the heart-break of having to give them away. But one night as I opened the back door to feed the dog, Fifi snuck out and hopped the fence before I could catch her. She was out all night. I was scared and worried.
Now we have 5 little babies. 5 precious babies. 5 new little lives. As much as I love kittens, I love these ones even more.
I delivered them. Without going into too much detail, Fifi had a hard time with 2 of them and I "assisted". I cleaned their little faces and noses so they could breath. I'm sure if I didn't intervene things may have worked out - after all, Fifi is a cat and it's mother nature to birth her babies alone and take care of that process on her own.
But Fifi wanted me there. She kept following me, and literally got up to follow me out of the laundry room as she was delivering a kitten!. I stayed right beside her for the entire 4 hours it took her to birth 5 babies.
Fifi loves me and trusts me. She trusts me enough to have me there assisting with her delivery. But the funniest thing happened this morning. As I was sitting on the floor directly beside her, I scooped up one of the kittens and had it in my hand. Fifi immediately sat up, and grabbed her baby by the back of the neck and put it back with it's siblings and layed back down cuddling her babies. She didn't want me holding her baby!. I can pet them while they are with her, but I can't pick it up.
Mother Nature has kicked in and her instincts are telling her that she wants her baby close to her and no one to pick them up.
This just amazes me and makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Now I do realize that I am taking about cats & kittens, and to some they are a dime a dozen and I do understand that the pet population is high and we should be spaying and neutering our animals. Fifi will be spayed as soon as her kittens are weaned by the way. But don't think i'm crazy becuase there is a moral and lesson to my story.
It's the instincts that have left me in awe in this whole experience. As mothers we will do anything for our babies and do anything to protect them. Even cats will protect their babies and don't want the person they are closest to handle them.
It's our instinct to protect our young - don't get in the way of a Mama and her Cubs.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Our History {Part 7}
June 2009 approached quickly. Eve was as resilient as ever and adapted to whatever came our way.
Everything about moving to Australia felt to bitter-sweet to me. I've thought and thought about this and the only way I can best describe it as bitter-sweet. It was SO bitter because I was going to leave everything and everyone I knew, but I was so excited to see Hubs and embark on this new journey.
On the 3rd of June, 2009 Eve and I said goodbye to my family not knowing when we would see them again. We boarded an Air Canada flight to LA and them carried on with United Air Lines to Melbourne.
Life as I knew it was different from that moment on. I left. I was the black sheep that left the nest.
Little did I know of the adventure that was ahead of me.
I had a lot of time to think while on that flight. That flight is LONG!. It was 5 hours from Toronto to LA and then 15 from LA to Sydney and then just an hour from Sydney to Melbourne. But while on my 15 hour flight I did nothing but think. Eve was cuddled up beside me and sleeping and I didn't want to budge in fear of waking her. I knew we were in for a long night of flying and the more she slept the better. My 20 week pregnant belly was protruding over the seatbelt and I just put my head back and tried to fall into a slumber but could do nothing but think.
How was my life going to change?
Why have I done this?
When will I see my family again?
What lies ahead for me with this international move?
What's going to happen when Eve starts school?
Whats going to happen when I have my new baby girl?
Will everything be ok back home?
Will my mom ever forgive me?
Will my sisters, grandparents & rest of my family ever forgive me?
Will they forget about me?
Will my marriage survive this?
These were just a few of the questions that went through my head that long night. Of course I thought of these things before, but I was always reminded of just how perfect life was going to be in Australia. I never allowed myself to fall into such a sense of desperation of questions. All those questions were answered for me and I wasn't allowed to second guess them. I didn't want to second guess them. I was scared to second guess them.
The only thing I knew forsure at that point was that when I got off that flight Hubs would be there waiting for us. Anything after that was unknown.
Stay tuned for Part 8.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Tuesday Ten - 14 {kittens & Bracelets}
Welcome to the 13th week of Tuesday Ten.
Tuesday Ten is a link party about your posts of ten of anything. It can be ten things you love, ten places you want to go, ten things you want right now, ten people you love etc....ten of anything really.
I love this because it gives me a chance to get to know my readers better and meet other bloggers. It also allows all of you linker uppers (yes, I just made that up) to see eachothers wonderful blogs and meet new bloggers as well :)
Rules of linking up are:
Please place my button on your page so others can link back and see other posts. You will find my button to the right of my blog page. ---------->
Fifi just before she had the kittens
This is the first born!
Mama and her 5 babies
How sweet is that face?!
New life. It's such a miracle in any shape or form.
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