Saturday, August 28, 2010

Tony Ferguson

Tony Ferguson is a diet.  Another god damn diet!.  Why can't anything just be easy?.  Why can't I be one of those women that have babies, and get their body back very soon after birth and just look amazing all the time?!.  Why do I have to struggle at this?. 

Anyways, Tony Ferugson is a diet that I am on until I shed these extra kilos.  I want to lose 18 kilos, and I WILL do it!.  This diet kick starts your metabolism for the first 4 weeks, and then you move onto another phase of weight loss by re-introducing certain foods.  Let's hope I can stick to this!.  Actually, I WILL and I AM sticking to this.  I have been successful in other diets, but not for the long term.  I just hate being fat and uncomfortable in my own skin. 

It's been hard finding time to excersize, and it gets dark at 530, and is cold out!.  I know that shouldn't be an excuse, but who wants to go out and walk and stuff when it's freezing?.  Who just wants to curl up on the couch after the kids have gone to bed and watch TV?!.  ME!.  Oh motivation - where have you gone??.  Losing weight is more triggered by food and what you eat, so hopefully I can make up for my slack in the excersize department by reducing my calories!. 

The bright side of this is that I have 2 beautiful girls to show for this excess weight, stretch Marks etc!. 

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